About us

This website was developed by a team of clinicians and researchers from the Department of Clinical Neurosciences and Department of Rehabiltation Medicine, NHS Lothian, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion regulation, University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands.

We aim to promote knowledge and understanding of mild head injuries and provide practical tips and tools for recovery. The website is free and nonprofit.

The team

Professor Alan Carson

Consultant Neuropsychiatrist and Professor of Neuropsychiatry, Edinburgh, UK.

Professor Jon Stone

Consultant Neurologist and Professor of Neurology, Edinburgh, UK. Author of neurosymptoms.org

Dr Killian Welch

Consultant Neuropsychiatrist and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Edinburgh, UK with a special interest in brain injury rehabilitation and substance misuse.

Dr Louise Davidson

Consultant Neurologist, Edinburgh, UK.

Dr Laura McWhirter

Consultant Neuropsychiatrist and Clinical Research Fellow, Edinburgh, UK.

Dr Anne van Gils

Specialty Registrar Psychiatry and Visiting Research Fellow from Groningen, the Netherlands.